Tuesday, January 28, 2014

tax threshold,

The revised 'plumpipificcations' will soon replace the present web.
 Do our revered leaders ever think about our feelings? The utilities have recently paid out dividends of many millions, and all but two of them have paid no tax at all, and they have only paid a tiny % of income.
This Archpip, on a net income of £11,500 pa, has to pay £230.00 in tax; or else. Why is it that non human corporations are treated with kid gloves, and we living warm blooded and lovely people get hit with a knukleduster.
It does not please the Plum Tree God, to see millions of people forced to pay taxes before their sensible needs are met. The 'unconcerned God' others worship ought get a kick up the bum, accompanied by a pointed request to get into the temples of tax avoidance and drive a few of these fat slugs out into the arms of the Inland Revenue.
Blossoms on all the poor who pay the cost of this slothful lack of dilligence, and a plague of maggots on the rotten plums.