Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Little Children

When does human life begin to have value? At conception, at birth, at baptism, at communion, at puberty, at marriage; when does the soul enter our earthly body?
The soul is the invisible part that ascends to Heaven, up there in the stars.
To get through St Peter's gate, can the human cram for his exam and pass, or bribe the gatekeeper?
Suppose the soul is conceived along with the flesh, and has a lifetime to gain knowledge, and suppose religions set the exam papers?
First question:- Have you ever made love purely for pleasure, unwilling to conceive?
Second Question:- Do you always tell the truth?
The answers to these would never give cause to put the examiners on overtime. As to transportation of souls, it may well lead to a 'Celestial Sandgate,'
It seems that only when the human race gets rid of all religions, and finds the true God, will we ever be able to understand and enjoy our life on this 'Heavenly' planet.
Open your minds and put www, in the public debate.
Blessings and Blossoms.
Archpip Plumtree