Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Walking back home with my nephew, a new Vicar, I pointed to some rain clouds and said. "Look at those clouds, have a word with your boss, we don't want to be rained on". He replied,
"I'm in sales, not management".
That was forty years ago, and looking at the world today, I see a great need for better management. Looking at current wars and unrest, one has to say religions are not good at management. Some are good at domination and oppression, very heavy handed with 'thou shalt not', but not offering any 'thou shalt'. Bearing in mind we celebrate 'peace on earth and goodwill to all men', it seems the message to "set my people free" has been lost.
We spend one day a year living as God expects us to do, and 364 days filling Him with bewilderment and possibly despair. Small wonder that since we murdered His messenger, He has had nothing to say to us. We have to struggle on with a book 2,000 years old, interpreted by robed men whose job depends on convincing us nothing has changed; but it has.
 The Archbishop wrings his hands, piously urges us to take in refugees and give to the poor; but has nothing to say to the war mongering empire builders, nor a whisper about blatant tax avoidance. It is as if his intentions are to protect the causes of his piety.
Thus there can be no request for vicars to take up management.
But there can be a clarion call for management to take up God.
Give value to the customers, don't just 'say' they are important, but 'treat' them as important, and help improve the quality of their life, not merely the quantity of your profits.
By using your God given imagination, listen to the voices of the 'little people'.
Archpip Plumtree

Thursday, November 24, 2016


Trumps are the declared suit in card games, such as whist and bridge. In whist, the trump suit is declared to the players. In bridge the four players 'bid'for which suit should be trumps, and the winning bidder, 'declares' his best suit as trumps.
When a player has many high cards, such as aces and kings, he can vote to play in 'no trumps' and win his tricks without them.
Donald Trump, is now president of the USA. He knows that an ace can be beaten by the deuce of trumps, that kings sitting on the wrong side of an ace are of little value, and that the last eleventh, twelfth, or thirteenth cards, be they 4,3,and 2, make aces and kings worthless.
The aces, kings, queens, and jacks, have traditional status and position, but if there are but two of them in a hand, opposing six small trump cards in another hand, then the trumps will triumph.
A hand with many trumps, will beat the hand with many aces.
The world has been changed by Donald Trump.
He has sidelined the protocol whereby lackeys can elevate themselves above their competence. His truth is seen as brutal, but passengers and parasites have no place in his plans. He needs solid rock to build on. Great Britain, a haven to all hereditary incompetents, need must wake up to this change.
And so must all religions.
We have had enough of 2000 years of dogma. We ask the church, what has your everlasting and immortal God, got to say about the feelings of the 'flock' whose democratic rights are being overturned by the 'shepherds' entrusted to their care?
Trump wants to change the way we are governed.
The Plum Tree Faith wants to change the way we think about God.
Both want to make living on planet earth happier, more enjoyable, and fulfilling.
Change is inevitable, you either play a part in it, or opt out, the choice is yours.
Archpip Plumtree.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Make Myself Better

Flat on my back with food poisoning, and in the hope of a little sympathy, I tried to talk to 'The Pinkness'. For some time there was no answer, and then I got the message that I was to "make myself better, then we would talk",
   My tummy was painful, with occasional bolts of lightning shooting across it. Bowel movements just gave enough advance warning to make the loo; just! They also adopted a 'chumminess' with my bladder, and I deemed it prudent to sit down rather than stand. This was provident, for every time I went for a pee, they made their own contribution, on one or two occasions with spectacular gusto.
Whoever described this condition as 'the trots' was exquisitely correct. It seems I've sat on that seat more times in three days of illness, than in three years of occupancy.
   The inspiration for the Plum Tree Faith, came from seeing the effect of clearing the clutter from around my plum tree, causing it to blossom and bear fruit. Of course I  wanted to pass this on to others, so that they could rid themselves of clutter, and live a happier life on earth. But thinking of the message from the 'Pinkness' I discovered I had the 'Tailors Son Syndrome', I'd asked everyone to get rid of their ill fitting suits of clutter, but mine which was the worst fit, I continued to wear.
   Clearing the plum tree made it blossom and bear fruit. Once it was free, all it had to do was switch on its automatic program, put there by a close relative of 'The Pinkness', and it bore fruit.
Regrettably, or possibly deliberately, we have no such software, we have to build our own program by using our brains, and my 'default' list is very clear.
   I live with a 'beer gut' weighing some three stones - not a millstone around my neck, but an 'alestone' about my hips. My legs and arms need to be strengthened, so it is diet and exercise for me. I have a dining table, but usually eat with a tray on my lap. Neither coffee nor whisky will 'refresh' a computer keyboard, and a spilled can of beer does not make a manuscript more attractive to a publisher. My filing systems are better suited to an orbiting space station, where one might snatch documents as they float by.
   I am bombarded with new ideas, and take off for the new before finishing the old, which creates thick files of various stories, novels, and cartoons, none of them ready for publishing. The perfect example dates back ten years, when I had sudden desire to lampoon the seven deadly sins. I grabbed scrap paper and a Biro, scribbled down some notes, fired up my computer, logged into  documents and wrote :-
Sloth. - - - - - - -
And there it stays.
   Thus there is a need for me to 'Make Myself Better. After I've done so, 'The Pinkness' will resume talking to me. In some far flung celestial attic, there may be a spare Diadem, and should he let me borrow it, I shall write you some stonking prose.
Blossoms and Blessings
Archpip Plumtree
PS. Subject to the above, the Plum Tree Faith book will soon be on sale www.frederickwebb.co.uk

Friday, September 23, 2016

Pope on Twitter

I just had 'Twitter' news of the Pope blaming journalism for bad news. Somewhat curious at this Catholic concern, reminiscent of the road sign, 'Diversion', I fire off this reply.
The Pope's job, as a principal member of the self appointed agents for our Creator, is to counter such doom with truthful opinions, that we can assume have his Masters approval.
What does the Pope's God have to say about 4 million Syrian refugees? Are his, and all other religions, aware that some person, supposedly acting on behalf of 'their' God, has caused this mayhem?
Although it is a different religion, I read that they claim there is only one God, thus it is the same God as yours..
I ask you, Mr Pope, Mt Archbishop of Canterbury, and your many and varied etc's, what do you believers in God have to say about this?
Don't write back to me; and don't limit the news by preaching  it to your congregation. Walk your brains out of  your cloisters: give them some air, and then spill your thoughts to the considerably larger World outside your churches.
Blessings and Blossoms
Ardchpip Plumtree

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Nessie versus Lambton Worm

A love of life requires people to mix, else some can delude themselves they are superior, others can think themselves inferior, and neither is the case.
There is no greater leveler, than that found in the tossing sprouts contest.
[see www.frederickwebb.co.uk]

To bring about harmony abroad, one must always start close to home, and the idea of the Loch Ness monster, engaging in a sprout tossing contest with the Lambton Worm of Northumbria, must attract interest from all humanitarians.
I would like to elaborate on the many and curious joys to be found in such a contest; but as I'm fully aware of the residual wit of both Jocks and Geordies, let them tell us of this sporting event. Is it between two giants of the human imagination, or some shy immenseness of secretive elusiveness??
This is a blog to make you think and laugh.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

God and Politics

God and Politics, is a request to our maker, to introduce the highest moral and ethical values to politics, where telling lies must never be used to win votes. [The plumtreefaith is not about the God of religion, it is about a powerful entity, I cal it 'The Pinkness', that influences human thought, the rational conclusion must be that our 'Maker' gave us brains to THINK with] A victory for democracy, results in treachery, leaving some 70 million people concerned about their future, here is the view of my intensely patriotic alter ego.

Lord Grit's speech for Boris
"I intend to deliver my pledge, and create a better, greater Britain. We will continue our friendships and trade with the EU nations, but as of now, all agreements are in a state of suspension, awaiting negotiation.
          To protect this nations interests, some decisions must be taken immediately. A great manufacturing nation needs heavy industry, and our steel and shipbuilding industries will be restored under British ownership, and given support, Our borders will now be controlled by us, and our fishing rights and industry reclaimed. UK companies that export outside of the EU, will no longer need to complete EU forms.
           The vote to leave expressed the desire for a better quality of life, a better way of governance. From today, every bank, utility industry, and other large organisations, must improve service to their customers, as must Government Departments.
            Our tax laws will be based on the premise that all profits and earnings in this country, will pay the taxes of this country. My target level for the free pay allowance, is £15,000 pa, this will put £15, pw in every pay packet, and take millions of the lower paid out of taxation. There will now be sufficient tax inspectors to ensure this lift in allowances, is paid for by correct collection from the rich. Cash abuses in the building trade, costing billions in Vat and income tax, will also contribute.                People convicted of a criminal offence, will on sentencing, have their honours withdrawn.

The 'Them and Us' society must end.

           It is my objective to resolve the post code lottery of education and health. As soon as possible, these two cornerstones of life, will be raised to the level of the best providers.  The housing shortages will be eased by a 'let to buy' scheme for the young, and a 'let to retire' for single elderly people.
           There are two very vulnerable stages in human life, the 0-5's and the elderly. There will be greater vigilance and encouragement for our very young, and adequate facilities for the very old.
            These projects will be paid for as follows:- the net EU budget of £12 billion, internet and multinational avoidance £10 billion. The 'offshore' fiddles of £15 billion or more, the building trade £5 billion, the profit from, and employment in fishing and heavy industry £5 billion: a total of £47 billion a year, every year.
            The moment this income stream is verified, we will build a bullet train from Glasgow/Edinburgh to London, and a new airport in the Thames estuary.
            These projects help fulfill the expectation of those who voted to leave. The clarity of purpose and improvements, will benefit and reassure those who voted to remain. It opens more opportunities to the young, more are planned. I hope they will be pleased at the greater fairness and care in their society, and give it their support. Scotland, London, and other 'remain' regions might now want to be part of this better Britain, as might Eire.
           The 'Vote Leave' showed a clear desire to say goodbye to forty years of 'fudge and forms'. It says hello to PEPP, where People and their Enterprise, will lead to decades of Progress and Prosperity

Lord Grit for Boris, [who has been forced out, but who set his country free]"

During meditation and 'chats' with 'The Pinkness' my kind of God, I sensed I was getting a bit of 'outside' input for this speech, in any event, no thunderbolt has yet come through my ceiling.
Archpip Plumtree.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Greetings to one and all, Without any interference or assistance from the Gods, politicians have an uncanny knack of letting down the people that voted them in. At no stage in my long life, have I ever heard any British politician say that he felt obliged to give the country away. Nor has this compulsive desire ever appeared in any manifesto. "Vote for me, I will solve all your problems, by giving your country away".
It reminds me of the notice on the door of the Post Office, in Sudbury Suffolk.
"To avoid the lunchtime queues, this office will be closed from 1.00pm to 2.00pm".
One might similarly deliver the edict; "To take the pressure off the NHS, and reduce the burden of state pensions, all British people over 75 years will be shot".
There is undeniable truth in this, but aged 78 years, I find it unattractive specially as Pension Credit might wish to claim the over payment from my heir.
Governing a country is difficult, Ted Heath found it beyond him, and delegated it to foreigners.
Lord Grit's unconditional love of his 'Human Masters', is compelled to present his message, and his campaign photo.
Blossoms Archpip Plumtree

politics/religion - REFERENDUM.

'They' say we must never talk about politics or religion. From this we can only deduce that people have been persuaded not to interfere with how their country is managed while they are alive, and not to think about what happens to them, after they are dead.
Thankfully the Plum Tree Faith does not subscribe to either of these constipated gospels. The plums withered relative, the prune, is noted for releasing the bowels, and the freshness of ripe Victoria plums, is an excellent refresher of the human mind.
It is utterly and completely illogical for any person to believe that God gave them a brain; and then encourages his earthly agents, the priests, to tell us we are not to question anything about religion: belief is all. Politicians would like to groom the electorate into similar mindless voting, beware.
"These boots are made for walking", but if the left one is made by a political cobbler, and one by a religious cobbler, must we not put them on our feet? Perhaps we ought use them to keep our hands warm, or hang them around our necks as some leather adornment.
What a load of 'cobblers'.
Of course we are intended to think deeply about how we live, wonder what may happen to our soul after we die, and may I suggest how we behave 'down here', has a significant influence on how we are treated when we get 'up there'.
Lord Grit is a benevolent character bulldog, with unconditional love of his human masters. If you put his name into your search engine, you will see his view of the referendum, and although it has the blessing of this Archpip, you must use your own brains to decide.
Archpip Plumtree

Sunday, May 8, 2016

The 'Gonna Be'.
We all know that one day, we are going to die. But this is not a morose post, advocating piety among the young, and cramming for your finals among pensioners.
This is about your tomorrows on this Earth.
It was explained, with crystal clarity, by a US comedian, that human life has three stages
The Was,
The Now, and
The Gonna Be.
There is nothing you can do about your bad 'was'.
It is very difficult to make changes in your unsatisfactory now.
And the cause of the bad 'was', and the miserable 'now, is that you did not pay enough attention to your 'Gonna Be'.
Right now, make plans to create a better 'gonna be'. Take control of your 'now'; accept responsibility for your future, and never delegate decisions that affect your life.
All religions,and most political policies, are an attempt to control your thinking; it is brain washing  in a surplice, or grooming by an X. BUT, you vote the latter in, and later, you vote the latter out; it is called a democracy. Never give up your democratic rights; they are more precious than any trade deals or agreements.
The society you live in must be free, if not, its attempts to create a better 'gonna be', will always be subjected to some outside rules that destroy the 'gonna be', thus creating a bad 'was', one you cannot change.
A single government is prone to constipation, with two of them it almost certain to be permanent.
At the moment this applies to the UK, but it is applicable to any democratic society; never surrender your sovereign rights.
The Plum Tree Faith is about living a happier life on  Earth, and believes that a better 'gonna be' down here, could well deliver greater contentment up there.
Blessings and Blossoms
Archpip Plumtree.

Monday, February 15, 2016

typing error in the Gospel

Blessings and Blossoms, I submit there is a typing error in the gospels. No omnipotent God would give mankind 'freedom of thought', and then accompany this gift, with one giving them 'dominion over', all other life.
Freedom of thought is a random intellectual quality, full of innovation and invention, the fount of creativity. This wonderful gift probably, means our 'Creator' wanted to pass His abilities to us, we are all a part of His continuous creation; by 'thought' we can become His partners in building a better world.
Powerful people seek dominion over the less powerful, and this is the purpose of religions; to have 'dominion' over us.
They who seek 'dominion over', are bullies.
They who accept 'responsibility for', are heroes.
By thought and meditation, men and women can connect direct with God, and ask for His opinion of life today, and from this we can learn what is right, and what is wrong.
Remember this, He is all seeing and everlasting, your eyes are His eyes, and your brain was made to His design.
Many religions are opposed to this freedom, and want you to spend your spiritual life asleep in their propaganda, calculated to give them 'Dominion' over you, and force you to comply with their 'man made' notions of sectarian division, violence, and murder in His name.
What blasphemy.
Frederick, the Archpip Plumtree.

Friday, January 1, 2016

pass the parcel

Happy New Year, May your blossoms turn to buds, and juicy plums excite your tongues with the sweetest flavours.
 During the 'Irish Troubles', a wag said that the fastest indoor game was 'pass the parcel in an Irish pub'.
I fear my posts do not promote the same essential desire of sharing.
 People look at a blog, shrug their shoulders, mutter 'silly old sod', or some such, and 'move on'.
What a fantastic two words are 'move on'. Confronted with some news that God might just want His children to enjoy life on Earth, it's a fleeting glimpse, and not wishing to tire their brain, or cause similar stress to their twitter or facebook friends, bloggers don't pass the parcel.
The only thing this parcel will blow up, is the one that is full of religious dogma and outdated ideology.
Perhaps Guy Fawkes had the best of motives? A little political gunpowder is overdue. But if five or ten years renders political masters incompetent, how can religious policies written 2,000 years ago, give human beings an understanding of life today?
We have to get some love and common sense into our world, and we simply cannot do it with a Bible covered in cobwebs, or the bullet gospels of a Kalshnikov.
Let 2016 be a year we open up our minds to the possibility we can create Heaven on Earth. I suspect the individual desire to live within human moral and ethical values, precedes such a utopia.
You can't 'move on', it's up to you.
Use the internet to make it a Worldwide Happy New Year.
Blessings and Blossoms
Archpip Plumtree.